Greetings all!
Things have settled into the beginnings of a routine and I'm getting lots of sleep. Here's a photo of me right now, writing this blog posting in the apartment. Do I look rested? [grin] Note the funny sloping walls....we are on the top floor of the building and the whole side of the apartment is like this as it follows the roofline. The windows are built into the roof. It certainly adds character to the place and it isn't just the usual square box one often gets in Australia.
Thanks for your comments:
Amber, don't worry about the new editor until it all happens...you never know, he/she might be better than the one you have at present!
Bruce, great to hear from you again and I just know you would have had a ball in Darwin...they're a great mob up there. :-)
Not a lot to write about, but I'll bring you up to date.
Monday & Tuesday....lots of walking
The weather is just gorgeous here at the moment, although this has only been since I got here. Spring has definitely sprung and everything is soooo green and pretty. Its just lovely to get out into it. Norbert and I went for a walk after tea on Monday night so I could see a bit more of the area, then we came home and had a glass of Schnapps. Its a tradition here but it was 40% alcohol! Boy, did I go straight to sleep!!! [laugh]
Tuesday was an exceptionally slow start...I blame the Schnapps. ROFL It was so sunny again that I decided to meander to another Supermarket which Norbert had said wasn't that far away, but was bigger and had more variety than the local. So off I set to find it. First of all you have to realise that NOTHING is flat in this area, and for every downhill street there is a corresponding trudge up the next hill.
Anyway, I got lost. [laugh] Took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up somewhere in the middle of Petersberg which is a neighbouring village. At this stage I wasn't concerned as although I was already tired with all the hill-climbing, it was a lovely area and very picturesque. Ended up turning back and retracing my steps until I came to what I thought was the right turn-off, and although I know now that it wasn't, it did eventually get me to the supermarket, albeit the long way around.

By now I'd walked several kilometres up hill and down dale and was quite tired but I got excited by all the stuff in the supermarket and ended up buying quite a bit. Vegetables are hard to get here and there is definitely no variety or quality...so I took the opportunity to buy up on what wasn't available at the local supermarket. Oh, and I had to get a 6-pack of beer for Norbert...oh, and some Schnapps for me with less alcohol. [cheeky grin] I did very well at the checkout with my miniscule German, and then quickly packed the bags.
And then....Yeeks!!!! No car outside to just lob everything into the boot!!! Luckily I had brought an extra couple of cloth bags with me (green-bag type from home) because I ended up filling my backpack AND both these bags! And I still had to find my way home AND carry all this weight!!!!
I had about 50 rest stops on the way home but with shoulders aching and my arms feeling like they were being pulled out of their sockets, I finally made it back home.....to be faced with 2 flights of stairs up to the apartment! [look of sheer exhaustion] But I made it!! We are picking up a hire-car on Saturday, so hopefully I won't have to do this 'pack-horse' thing again! [grin]
As if that wasn't enough walking, when Norbert got home from work he said he had to go into Fulda to organise the hire-car, so we took a bus into town but then walked around - remember I haven't seen much of Fulda proper, and then mostly at night. Took a lovely walk through the old part of the town which is absolutely lovely with all the timbered houses and quaint cobbled streets.

Anyway, that's enough raving on now. [smile] I hope I've given you a mental picture of the area though, and that you are feeling like you are here in the middle of Germany. I'd love for you all to see it as I'm sure you'd love it as much as I do.
Love to everyone,
hey mum!
you put me to shame with your extensive blog postings! but its good to hear that all is going well and you have already had a chance to enjoy other parts of germany! berlin is very cool! I had to laugh at your little excursion to the supermarket as it reminded me alot of times it happened to me here in london! you learn to only get a hand basket cause you know you can only carry that much home! he he he
trust me you will get use to not having a car very quickly! the weather has turned around alot at the moment and i am enjoying leaving the house in the morning without a coat! you have been lucky to miss the other 11 months of nothing but rain and grey sky!!
anyway i have been flat out but hope to catch you on skype soon!
lots of love
skye xoxox
Hi Marlene, Schnaps, weddings, walking, train trips and routine. My goodness its less than a fortnight and it seems like a month. Hey, I thought Greek weddings were the only ones that had plate breaking.
How lovely it must be to be truly experiencing Germany. At least the village of Fulda. I'm sure your eyes are seeing things that you would probably walk past in Adelaide. Things like buildings, supermarkets, footpaths, people and their characteristics, window displays, windows, doorways, parks - it just seems different and then you ask yourself, 'what is it like back home. How are the coffee shops (or did I miss that bit?
Keep enjoying and keep us up to date.
Robby xxx
PS Love the picture of you in the tulips. I see a painting coming on.
Hi Marlene, hope you`re still enjoying your vacation in Germany. Yes, rinding on the Autobahn with all those trucks is always a great fun. Fortunately they are not allowed to run on weekends. Recently the government thougt about legalizing 60-ton-trucks, but thanks god we're off the hook by that, they didn't. Imagine what'd happen when those elephants try to ride in cities. Have a good time. Andreas
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