He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
and they all lived together in a crooked little house.
Guten Tag!

Decided on a mid-week jaunt (after Norbert got home from work) to a nearby village called Alsfeld as it is known for its 'crooked houses'....half-timbered houses which escaped wars and are still standing, some built as early as the late 1400's! But boy are they crooked! I took the photo on the right but as it was dusk the light wasn't the best for taking good photos so I have 'borrowed' the one below from another Flickr photographer, as it is an excellent photo which shows clearly the completely 'out-of-square' lines of many of these old buildings.
Makes you wonder if the floors are sloping inside, how they manage to put square windows and doors into the frames....and whether they are safe to live in! [shakes her head in wonderment] But as Norbert pointed out, if they are still standing after more than 500 years then they probably are not going to suddenly fall down. :-) But just to be safe, I stood clear of the ones which seemed to be leaning out at a precarious angle. [laugh]

It was going to be a simple, 58k trip on the Autobahn....but nobody told us about the trucks!!!! (Question for our German friends....is this normal???) We were travelling along nicely and then turned a corner...and Norbert had to break quite quickly as ahead were loooooong lines of what seemed like thousands of big trucks, in a complete traffic jam (ein Stau)! Many were queued up, trying to get into truckstops, but on the Autobahn the lines of big trucks snaked waaaay into the distance! There were roadworks which made everything much worse, and the cars were jammed into a side 'lane' which wasn't really a lane at all. Basically, there would have been very little room for 2 cars to be next to each other, but there we were, trying to move along this narrow space with the massive big wheels of big trucks a hair's-breadth away from the right-hand mirror of the car. And can I just add that this is the side of the car that I am sitting on!!!! [terrified look]

I've borrowed the photo of traffic on the Autobahn from here , just to give you the idea (I was too terrified to keep my eyes open, let alone take photos!), but take into account that it was night...and with the roadworks, that gap you see between the line of cars and the line of trucks was virtually non-existent as there were road-work barriers on the left-hand side, several metres in from where you see the edge of this road. Norbert did an absolutely amazing job of driving under those conditions...trying to keep the car centred between these barriers and the moving wheels of the trucks just centimetres away from us.
I know he did an amazing job because we got home safely. [big sigh of relief] I had my eyes closed most of the time with sheer terror!!!! My fingernails were digging into the palms of my hands. I was positive that at any moment we would go under the wheels of a truck, or hit a barrier....or somebody would crush us in the small gap. It was sooooo scary!! [shudders with the memory] I think we should stay off the Autobahns at night if this is normal traffic....maybe the trucks do all their transportation at night or something?
Anyway, I had to have THREE glasses of Schnapps when I got home, just to stop shaking. [grin]
So....what is the most exciting thing that has happened to you this week?
Love to all,
PS: Thanks Allison and Amber for your previous comments.
Allison, you asked to see the drawings I have in Adelaide? Unfortunately I don't have much. Drawing is a 'free-time' thing for me and I don't usually get much of that...which is why I promised myself I would try to make time while I was away from work.
Amber, congratulations on being offered some free-lancing work for a magazine! Well done! :-)
wow, those buildings really are crooked! very weird but cool at the same time! not long till you are off on your trip now! I am away as of sunday so we will need to catch up before i go away and so do you! i am glad you are enjoying the time in germnay and norbert is taking you out and about! speak soon xx
Great to see you're out and apart mid-week, discovering all of this wonderful sites. What time does it start to get dark there? It was dark just after 5 o'clock this evening here. So I don't imagine we'll be doing too much sightseeing after teatime when we're in Scotland in Dec/Jan.
The Autobahn with all of the trucks makes Grand Junction Road look like a playground. Where are they all headed - don't they use trains to transport goods? There doesn't look like too many 'road-trains/semis' either. What speed were you travelling at?
One of the Innovations Project Leaders mentioned at the Induction Workshop yesterday (which went really well) that she is heading to Europe in June on a 'driving holiday'. I said to her that I didn't consider driving in Europe a 'holiday' LOL.
Re your drawing - well - I think you need to definitely find the 'free time' to do it - you are very good at it.
Really looking forward to having a few Schnaps with you - do you have a favourite 'flavour'? and are they served 'chilled'?
We used to give away 'shots' of Peach Schnapps to customers when I worked as a barmaid in Spain. We kept the Schnapps in the fridge.
They have the EuroVision Song Competition on the TV this evening - and these a few funny comments on Twitter about the contestants.
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