Got up this morning to find the world reduced to a couple of streets around the apartment, and the rest a white, misty shroud. Quite a change from yesterday when it was about 30degrees and humid...Darwin weather....leading to a wild electric storm in the evening dumping sheets of water and even hail! But today (Saturday) it is cool and calm as we make final arrangements to head off to Bodensee..on the border between Switzerland and Germany.
Norbert is literally standing next to me waiting to whip the modem out of the laptop and take it into Fulda to finalise the internet, but I'm holding him off just 15 more minutes so that I can write a short update. [frowns] Did I just hear somebody mutter something like... I don't know the meaning of the word 'short'??? [laugh] Fair enough, but I'll do my best.
However, first my thanks to Uwe, Allison, Heather & Robby for your comments on my previous posting....
Uwe, not sure about the photos from now on but I will do my best!
Allison, I agree....I would have missed heaps and I'm so glad you encouraged me to just make the decision to go. :-)
Heather, lots of Black Forest cake around...but none of it gluten-free. :-( Don't let the boss get you too stressed...just keep thinking, "Will anyone DIE if this or that is not done?" [grin]
Robby, great to hear from you both! It is warm here, but I feel every teeny breeze so it takes a day like yesterday to get me to uncover. Still, I'm getting a tan here as the sun is not so strong.
Its been a quiet week and the highlight for me was spending another day in town practicing German by talking with locals. I spent an hour or so getting my nails done which was interesting as my little German dictionary didn't have the words I needed (like Acrylic Refills), but lots of laughs and miming meant we managed OK. I even managed to find a hairdresser and make an appointment for next week, so I was feeling quite good about my ability to cope with the language. Norbert has been suffering with hay fever which has been difficult for him. The term 'Spring is in the air' is quite literal here, as one can SEE the pollen and other stuff literally floating in the air. A hay fever sufferers idea of hell. Oh well...he's dosing himself on drugs so this is helping a little.

We exchanged details as everyone wanted to keep in touch. Miro & Lubicia gave us a lovely book all about Fulda with some gorgeous photos - a good thing as I think it will be some time before I am able to read it. [grin] Jürgen and Bettina brought their

I must go as I'm getting 'the look' [cheeky grin]. We're off on another little adventure now and plan to see Neuschwanstein Castle as well as other sights in the Bodensee area. I'll tell you all about it...somehow [frowns]....when we get back.
Hey Mum,
I finally got some leave, after practically threatening to quit if they didn't I was given 15 days ....they actually owe me 18 but I just took 15. So I'm on holidays from this Friday to June 30th.....three weeks off. Going back to adelaide on Saturday as Pat and I have a family function there. I may stay for a couple weeks and then head back to Canberra for my last week. Not sure yet.
Hi Marlene,
Apologies for not posting many comments, but we have been keeping track of your blog from time to time (and some of the entries DO take some time!)
Congratulations to Norbert on finishing work - so you are now officially on holidays! Enjoy the rest of your trip. We're all well in Bendigo, except for Liz who is struggling to shake a cold and Narelle who is on crutches after 'popping' her knee at netball on Saturday. Mum is coming over to Bendigo for the Queens birthday long weekend, so it will be good to catch up with her again before her next big move.
hey mum
its ridiculous that you are now on my side of the world and only an hour time difference apart yet we dont seem to catch up with each other! he he I guess the walking to school phonecalls to you after dinner was alot easier hey?? no worries, in less than 7 weeks we will be able to sit drinking icecoffees and chatting properly! I am so glad you are still making the most of your time off! I think you are very patient with the language barrier, that is one of the first things that drives me insane when i am travelling! he he
anyway send me a text when you are online between 5-7pm this week or on the weekend and we can get a chat in before you take off!
bye for now
skye xoox
Wow - doesn't time fly - I was only telling Alison McAllister yesterday about your time in Germany, and wondered whether you were heading off to do some further afield travelling.
It all sounds so exciting - so I'm looking forward to the next stage of your journey.
All the best, Allison
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