I believe the Royal family never pack a suitcase....its all done for them by 'people'. I wonder whether or not you can hire one of these 'people'? [grin] They'd be handy.
It took me a short time to get as far as having everything I thought I would take, laid out on my bed...and then the rest of the day deciding which items really needed to be left behind as they wouldn't all fit in the suitcase! ROFL
But, it's all done and my suitcase is packed and I'm ready to go!
...then a farewell tea.
My sister Heather invited my Mum and I to their house for a farewell tea tonight, and after a
Tomorrow is D-Day! (D for Departure)
Tomorrow I'm off to Germany!! I will probably be exhausted when I get there as it will be about 8:30pm Adelaide time on Sunday night (and I don't sleep on planes), however I'll do my best to put up even a short post just to reportthat I have arrived safely.
I'll definitely be exhausted as I'm so excited that I may not sleep a wink tonight!!!! [dances around in a circle] :-)
Thanks so much to Ingrid, Cheryl, Amber, Andreas, Allison & Skye for your comments and best wishes...very much appreciated.
Hi Mum,
I guess you would be in Germany by now. I Have to be quick because I am at work but guess what....the Army lost our defacto paperwork....and these people protect our country. Geez dunno about you but I'm scared. Anyway I'm furious because I don't rememeber if we made copies of the stat decs and now you are in Germany.....I'm soooooo angry with them. By the time we get the money, I will be back in Adelaide!
Hi Marlene,
Read your blog this morning, it took me quite some time but it was great.
You look so happy in the photos.
The rain has stopped and it's a lovely day today but still too wet for gardening so I'll try my hand at baking, (hope I can Light the oven O.K.)Did the washing this morning.
Have a great time at the wedding.
Lots of love Mum oxox
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