The start of the journey
As soon as I checked in at Adelaide Airport I bought myself a Farmers Union iced coffee, knowing that it would be a long time before I could have one of these local treats again. [grin] After spending much of my worklife travelling back and forth around the country, the first leg to Melbourne felt almost routine and it wasn't until I picked up my bag and headed off to the International Departures that it started to feel like I was really going somewhere special.
There were the usual delays with checking in for an International flight including having to wait for the 'right time' before they would take any bags. [sigh] While I was waiting I saw a youngish couple with 2 kids and a baby trying to check in with SEVEN suitcases! They certainly had the Emirates staff in a tizz! Once I'd gotten rid of my big suitcase I thought I'd grab some tea at the PJ O'Briens Irish Pub and while I was enjoying some delicious Nachos (there goes the diet already) I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me. Turns out we both have daughters named Skye, and we both grew up in the mid-North. Small world!
Melbourne to Dubai
As I took my seat, I noted that I was sitting next to 2 little children. Now don't get me the mother of 4 kids I obviously don't have anything against small children....but on a 14 hour flight???? [wry grin] Actually, they were pretty good but as little kids do, they wriggled and squirmed. A lot. :-) I tried to sleep but kept getting knocked and nudged awake each time, especially when they decided to play ball with the soft toy given to them by the flight attendant. Finally took a sleeping tablet and put in earplugs and eventually dozed off for a while.
The minute I walked in to Dubai Airport I headed for the Dubai International Hotel which is bang slap in the middle of the place. And no...I wasn't staying...but they have a health/fitness centre there and for $AU15 you can get a lovely hot shower! Sounds expensive for a shower, I know, but after a long flight its worth its weight in gold...and I'm not talking about sharing a damp line of cubicles with several sweaty people. I'm talking about being shown to your own huuuuge, private bathroom and shower with hairdryer, little sachets of moisturiser, thick bathrobe etc. After that I felt completely refreshed so went downstairs to find a large coffee and relax. A bit too relaxing as before long I heard my flight being called....and it was a final call! Eeeek!!!! Got to the gates on time but it was at a run! [big grin]
Dubai to Frankfurt
My seat for this leg of the journey was the second from the back, but I had a vacant seat next to me. "You beaut!" I thought for a while...until the flight was delayed for 15 minutes while they had to find the absentee's luggage in the hold and get it off the plane. Oh well. Then there was the usual "Good morning, I am Hussein and I will be flying you to Frankfurt today. Next to me I have Instructor Gamil....." Instructor???? Has this guy flown a plane before????? ROFL But we got there safely although I think he hit every pothole on the way as it was a very bumpy flight. The food was good though and my special request for Gluten-Free meals wasn't a problem and the food quite delicious.

Frankfurt to Fulda
Almost there....are you still with me? After the inevitable greetings and hugs and "how was the flight" etc etc, we left the airport to catch the shuttle bus to the Bahnhof...or train station. I'm so glad I wasn't dealing with this bit alone as for the first time there were no English subtitles and my German is awfully basic still. And after 36 hours of travel, the brain wasn't working that well anyway. Had time for a juice (and lunch for Norbert) at the Bahnhof and then we boarded the train bound for Fulda. This final leg was about an hour and 20 minutes so there was time to just sit back, chat, and look out the large windows as the scenery changed from suburbs to rolling green pastures dotted with little German villages nestled into the hillsides. But finally we arrived and the easiest way to get out to Lehnerz with all the luggage (which is where we are now, about 3k out of Fulda) was to catch a taxi. Less than 10minutes later I was walking up 2 flights of stairs....with Norbert trailing behind, lugging my suitcase.....until we finally reached my home for the next few weeks.
First night
The next few hours felt strange, to say the least. You have to take into account that Norbert and I have been talking to each other on Skype for weeks now AND he's sent video and lots of photos, so as I first walked into the room it was deja vu. I have never been here, yet it felt so familiar. I walked over to the window to see the 'oh so familiar' view that I have seen in rain, sunshine and snow....but have never actually seen. We went for a short walk so I could get my bearings, and after almost memorising the area via Google Earth, it felt odd to be seeing it at street level. And finally we turned a corner to see a church on a hill with houses climbing up the slopes to meet it, and Norbert said "Remember this view?"

We opened a bottle of bubbly and toasted the fun weeks to come.
First day of my new (albeit temporary) life
So far the jetlag hasn't been too bad, and although I woke at 3:10am and couldn't get back to sleep for a while, I still woke again at a 'normal' time for breakfast....which I got served to me in bed! Norbert had to dash off to work straight away so I got up and made a second cup of coffee...then promptly fell back asleep again until 10:30am! What a lazy life! My work ethic is still trying to keep a stranglehold on me though, so even though I could have lazed away the day,

Had my first 'language adventure' this arvo, when I decided that although it was all comfy and safe in the apartment, I needed to take on my 'new world' I walked to the local supermarket. German people are sooooo friendly!! I was doing my best to lay low and just observe....but they persisted in greeting me and trying to talk to me! Eeeek!!!! How many times did I have to finally say "Ich sprechen kein Deutsch."? (I don't speak German) Luckily I memorised that useful little phrase. [rolls her eyes] Had a great 'conversation' with the lady on the checkout who, despite using my 'little phrase' on her, continued to try and find out where I was from, what I was doing here, the fact that she had been to Sydney, and where was Adelaide etc. Yeeks!!! I dragged out a few words I actually knew and strung them together with English words, and somehow we seemed to understand what each other was talking about. We smiled a lot anyway. Running an online conference is nothing

The walk was truly lovely though as spring has sprung over here and there are blossoms and tulips everywhere...and GREEN, everywhere you look! Remember 'green'???? LOL
Anyway, my momentary rest time is almost over already as tomorrow arvo we are off to Berlin for the wedding - Norbert's cousin's son is getting married. It's all going to be somewhat hectic and I'm not sure whether I will have internet access in Berlin but I will make an effort to get on at least once to keep you up to date. We are back again on Sunday as Norbert needs to go back to work on Monday. And after that...well, a few weeks of reading, drawing, walking etc. My blog postings during this time should be absolutely rivetting!!!! [laugh]
By the way, thanks Uwe, Carol, Bruce and Amber for your Comments on previous posts. Its great to hear from everyone.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Hi Marlene,
So pleased you got there safe and soooooooooo excited you have written a lovely long post - keep 'em coming. I am so excited in fact I am saving it to read and savour with my dinner. Truth is the dogs want their dinner and are driving me crazy so I will feed them first so I get some peace and quiet. You really have no idea how excited I am that you have gone overseas again and I have your wonderful adventures to read about.
Bye for now,
Hi Marlene, glad the trip went smoothly and you've arrived safely. I'm convinced you are a closet author, and have a secret longing to publish books the size of a set of encyclopaedias! (Cheryl, stop encouraging her to write long blog postings!!) It's very hard to comment on so much information!:)
Just a couple of things - "potholes" on a plane flight?? hmmm..interesting visual.....
And it's great to read that word 'through' (not threw - sorry Skye!)
By the time you read this we are probably in Brisbane for our friend's wedding, so will catch up again next week.
Have fun!
hey mum
glad you arrived safe a well! i have to admit that horrible long flight is something i am not looking forward to on the way home! now first things first ..... did you bring me an ice coffee???? 2 years! 2 long years and not one ice coffee, yes i have travelled to many countries but nothing comes close to a farmers union! Yes i have drank imitation ice coffee that the english call latte frappes but its just not the same ( sigh!) the aussie shop just wont ship it over for me! he he
glad to hear you are finally back with norbert! you deserve to be together!! His house seems nice! I had a great laugh at your langauge debacle! oh so many memories of the language barrier conversations! you just end up laughing and smiling with a nod at everything! he he
oh i felt for you, sitting next to children on the plane! i do think they should have separate cabins for them! hmm i may put that to qantas! he he
anyway great to have you on this side of the cold world! we will have a huge chat next week, its a bank holiday but i will be back from camping on monday night!!
lots of love
skye xoxox
Hi Marlene,
Great to hear that you made it OK. Sorry about not writing until now, but we are following your adventures closely. Keep including those photos as we just love seeing green grass (just a distant memory here....)
Bruce & Liz
What a nice description of your trip to Germany (:
Only the German part of description was a little bit too few :D, but you have given you a lot of effort.
It is amazing that you traveled to Germany and I will leave it tomorrow for a couple of days :D
I will fly to Basel (Switzerland) to take part of a seminar. You ask yourself of what type? Just look on the picture of my livemocha profile :D
Hope you will have a great time in Germany and learn a lot of our language.
SeeYa (:
Hi Marlene
So glad you've arrived safely and are settling in. Congrats on trying out your German on the 1st day. Lovely photos. Enjoy.
Hi Mum!
Glad you got there okay. You walk around the town sounded exciting! I can't believe how friendly people were to you. How did they know you were a tourist....or did the constant photo taking give it away?
Well, I'm at work and I'm pretty stoked as I have a tight paper with 5 change pages....not that this means anything to you but it's positive.
Pat has left for some army field place in Victoria. He left today and will be gone for almost four weeks. I don't like my chances of getting leave much as I want to.
Our defacto stuff came through. Now we need to prove to DHA that we live together. This means getting in touch with my real estate agent and getting a letter from them....tried to get him on the lease but it was going to be way too hard. Apparently I would need to move out of my place, have it cleaned and then sign a new lease....way too difficult. I told my property manager that Pat and I are trying to get rental assistance and she was like "oh yes, I have had cases like this before"....well we are in Canberra!
Anyway, hopefully it all works out and the money comes through.
Hi Marlene,
What a wonderful blog!! You look so happy. I'm so glad you arrived safely and that you're enjoying yourself. I'm sure you'll have a great time at the wedding - looking forward to hearing all about it.
Take care and have lots of fun,
Hi Marlene,
I am very much behind in reading your blog, however wanted to let you know that I am glad to hear you arrived safely in Germany. Your language experiences sound very nice! A lot of Germans should speak at least a few words of English as they are all supposed to learn it at school ;-))
Oh, btw, could you explain me what "arvo" means? I have never read it before.
All the best and enjoy the warm spring days we are having at the moment (could be gone very soon;-))
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