Sunday, June 29, 2008

Yet another airport story

Hi you didn't expect to hear from me again so soon, but I must tell you about our latest 'airport story'. All travellers have them but this is one we'll probably use at dinner parties in the future. [laugh]

This morning in the hotel in Oslo, we were madly packing our stuff to turn 20kg suitcases into 15kg suitcases, because we had bookings on Ryan Air which has this restriction. This meant we left a bit behind in the hotel room but mainly we filled our jacket pockets with heavy stuff...I crammed my 'handbag' with heavier items like shoes and trackpants....and Norbert put so much into his backpack that he may have a lifetime back injury!

Anyway, we wandered down to the Reception and COMPLETELY ACCIDENTALLY ran into Klaars...our Globus Tour Guide. When talking to him about our baggage weight issues he questioned the airport that we were leaving from as he found it confusing that we were catching a Ryan Air flight from the main Oslo airport.

Quick check of the paperwork and we found that he was right!!!!!!!!! Eeeek!!!! We were actually leaving from an airport more than an hour and a half away!!!!!! Thank God for tour guides because he had all the info on the top of his head regarding how to get there and where we needed to go, and so our 'few hours of leisure' quickly dissolved into getting to the bus station and buying a bus ticket for Torp airport.

Whew! We made it but imagine what would have happened if we hadn't accidentally run into Klaars! We would now be sitting in the wrong airport with no time to get to the right one, and we would have lost our flight. Oh well....this is the stuff that travel is all about. [grin]

But we made it, and we're now sitting in the CORRECT airport waiting for the plane to Frankfurt.

BUT....drama number 2 is evolving as Norbert just came back from weighing out suitcases...and they are both overweight. [sigh] (Mental note to self.....the cheap flights might seem worth the saving from the money point of view, but I'm having serious doubts about the value from the broader perspective.) :-/

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